Psalm 10 – The Lord Hears Even We Think He Isn’t Listening

If God has had love enough to prepare your heart to pray, He has grace enough to give you the blessing. The more difficult thing of the two is not to give the blessing, but to prepare your heart to cry for it. If He has done the one He will certainly do the other.
Consider the truthfulness and the faithfulness, and the goodness of God, and you will see that it is not possible that He should teach a man to pray for a blessing which He will not give. I cannot imagine any of you tantalizing your child by exciting in him a desire that you do not intend to gratify. It is a very ungenerous thing to offer alms to the poor, and then, when they hold out their hand for it, to mock their poverty with a denial. It were a cruel addition to the miseries of the sick, if they were taken to the hospital and left there to die untended and uncared for. Where God leads you to pray He means you to receive. You find a holy desire in your heart; the Lord put that desire into your heart, and for the honor of His infinite majesty, lest He stain His goodness and dishonors His great name, He must hear you. With what comfort would I address those here who are beginning to pray. I know I speak to some who are uneasy, unrestful; you tell us you are seeking peace, that day and night a desire for salvation occupies the entire chamber of your soul. Well, this did not come from your own nature; neither the devil nor the old Adam has taught you to pray. Dear hearer, be sure that the great Father who is moving you to cry to Him is hearing you—He is inclining His ear to catch the faintest moan of your spirit. Believe that He is hearing you. Cast yourself at the feet of His dear Son. Behold the wounds of Jesus; let these invite you to draw near to God. I know of no such eloquent mouths as the wounds of the dying Lord. Let them persuade you to come to Jesus, to trust, to rest at His dear feet, for since He has inclined your heart to pray He is about to hear you and bless you.

Charles Spurgeon

Read Psalm 10 and consider the encouragement above from Spurgeon on this passage. When you cry out to God and you think he isn’t listening, remember that he’s the one who gave you desire to pray, and he’s promised to answer the faith-filled prayers of his people. Stop right now to pray for your biggest concern and to trust God hears you.

The Lord Our God by Kristian Stanfill

Posted on: June 29, 2017 - 10:00PM

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