Psalm 23 – God Is Our Gracious Provision, Strong Provider, and Eternally Present

The things you say about yourself, about God, and about life are very, very important because they are formative of the way you act and react to the things God places in your life. In those silent and private conversations that you have with you, you are remembering God’s grace or you’re not. When you remember God’s grace, you tell yourself that you’re not alone, that you’re not left to the small batch of your own resources, and that you have been graced with all that you need right there, right now to be what God has called you to be and to do what God has chosen for you to do. When you remember God’s grace, you are also reminded of his presence and his promises. Ultimately, human rest is not found in measuring the size of your righteousness, strength, and wisdom against the size of what you’re facing. No, rest is found when you compare the size of what you’re facing to the person, presence, power, and grace of the One who is with you wherever you go.
What is God’s best gift of grace? The answer is easy – himself. God knew that our need would be so great that the only gift that would meet our need would not be an it or a thing. No, grace means that he meets our deepest need with the greatest, most transformative gifts – he willingly gives himself. Today, as you’re having that conversation with yourself one more time, remind yourself of that gift, and as you do, rest in the fact that because you have been given the gift of gifts, you are never alone and never without the resources that you need.

Paul Tripp

Read Psalm 23 and consider where we can see in God that he gives us gracious provision and strong protection and he encourages us with his eternal presence. Which of these do you most need to be reminded of this week?

Psalm 23 by Shane and Shane
Posted on: April 5, 2018 - 10:00PM

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