Make the most of your reading
As I’ve embarked on a two year journey to read through the Bible, I’ve already been reminded of my propensity to read for reading’s sake. Put another way, I’ve seen how easily my focus slips away from reading to have my life transformed by the One I’m meeting with and drifts towards merely reading for information intake. This propensity taints the sweetness of any relationship: parenting my daughters for parenting’s sake (someone has to do it) or pursuing my wife for husband duty’s sake (honey, here are flowers…because it’s what I’m supposed to do) or responding to the mercy of Jesus because it’s what I need to do (lets get the Bible reading done because this is par for the course of being a Christian). Certainly, there are days the duty primes my heart for delight, but the reward in each of those relationships is the fellowship and sharing of life with the other(s). When that is the case, the responsibilities I engage in are valued and important because they serve me in attaining the fellowship with the other(s). I recently came across an article by a dear brother and faithful friend that God has used to remind as well as to challenge me in how I approach my times in God’s word for the end of making the most of those times in His word. I pray it does the same for you…with the end result being a greater delight in the goodness of the God of your salvation. You can read the article here.
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