This One Life – For The City

Meditation for Preparation

The Church is an extension and a work of Jesus Christ. Therefore, the purpose that was on Jesus life, and the love that was on Jesus life is now in his Church. What was Jesus purpose? Jesus came to seek and to save lost people and to put them on to God’s purpose for their life. What is our purpose? It is to seek and to save lost people and put them onto God’s purpose for their life, with all of the glory going to God.

The Church, the body of Christ, is now God’s expression of love on the earth. More specifically, our Church is God’s expression of love in our city. How are people going to know that God loves them? God is going to physically express his love through each one of us, his Church.

God specifically placed you here, in this city, at this time. It is no mistake that you are here. You could have been born during the time of the dinosaurs. You could have been born during the Great Depression. You could have been born at any time in history, but God, the author of life, created you for this time and for this season. What this means for you is that you need to get God’s love for this city flowing through you, so that you can make the impact that he intended for you to make at this time and in this season. Instead of questioning why you are here, simply begin to show God’s love to others. Don’t worry about why you are alive right now. Don’t worry about why God has placed you here. Simply embrace what God wants to do through your life and through this Church. You are here for a reason, so be the light that God has intended for you to be.

It is true that God put you here in this time and at this place so that you could be an extension of his love to the wonderful people that are citizens of our city. Those who understand God’s love for people of this city are moved to action. God loves our city. If he didn’t he wouldn’t have brought you here to be an extension of his love to these people. But we are here and now we need to learn how to love others with the same love that Jesus has. The truth is this, when we love with God’s love, his presence flows through our lives to others.

If we are going to make a difference in this city, it is only because God is going to make a difference using our lives as extensions of his love.

Grant Von Boeschoten

Heart Preparation
Read Jeremiah 29:4-7 and Luke 10:25-27. What is the call of God for our lives towards our city and our neighbors? Where in your life can you love your city or neighbor more like Christ loved us?

Posted on: May 2, 2013 - 10:14PM

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