Acts 18:18-28 Giving and Receiving Correction
See an instance of truly Christian charity in Aquila and Priscilla; they did good according to their ability. Aquila, though a man of great knowledge, yet did not undertake to speak in the synagogue, because he had not such gifts for public work as Apollos had; but he furnished Apollos with matter, and then left him to clothe it with acceptable words. Instructing young Christians and young ministers privately in conversation, who mean well, and perform well, as far as they go, is a piece of very good service, both to them and to the church.
See an instance of great humility in Apollos. He was a very bright young man, of great parts and learning, newly come from the university, a popular preacher, and one mightily cried up and followed; and yet, finding that Aquila and Priscilla were judicious serious Christians, that could speak intelligently and experimentally of the things of God, though they were but mechanics, poor tent-makers, he was glad to receive instructions from them, to be shown by them his defects and mistakes, and to have his mistakes rectified by them, and his deficiencies made up. Young scholars may gain a great deal by converse with old Christians, as young students in the law may by old practitioners. Apollos, though he was instructed in the way of the Lord, did not rest in the knowledge he had attained, nor thought he understood Christianity as well as any man (which proud conceited young men are apt to do), but was willing to have it expounded to him more perfectly. Those that know much should covet to know more, and what they know to know it better, pressing forward towards perfection.
Matthew Henry
Heart Preparation
Read Acts 18:18-28. Consider the example of Aquila and Priscilla. Are there less mature men or women that you are being intentional to pour into even if they seem to have more gifts and talents than you? Is there someone within CLC that you can develop a discipleship relationship with?
And consider the example of Apollos. Are there people who appear to be lesser than you in gifts and talents to whom you have refused to listen to their wisdom? Who can you be looking to within CLC for discipleship and wisdom in living out the faith?