Updates from the 2015 DR Mission Trip – Doug Brown

Jay, Bruce and I just returned from the Dominican and we are all encouraged by what is happening with the ministry of HaitiLove. We learned much about how Noah ministers and serves the Church abroad. Our trip revolved around a 9 Marks conference that was held in a Haitian community near the farming town of Imbert, in the Dominican Republic. The goal of conference was three-fold; to put on the 9 Marks conference, to recruit leaders to enroll in the Hispaniola Institute of Theology; and to serve Noah and his team.Our desire with the conference was to strengthen the fellowship in that community with a biblical understanding of the Church.The teaching responsibilities were divided among the four of us. Noah spent the first and third night teaching on Biblical Theology, Expositional Preaching, The Gospel, Church Discipline and Church Government. Jay, Bruce and I taught the second night on Church Membership, Conversion and Evangelism. After the conference was over, everyone who attended received a copy of 9 Marks of a Healthy Church book, in Haitian Creole.

Another goal was to challenge members and leaders to be 2 Timothy 2:2 Christians, leaders who would be taught to lead leaders. So we advised some of these leaders to sign up for classes.

We were fortunate to stroll through the community and talk with people in this farming area one night before the conference. We met a lady who, after reading through a Haitian New Testament someone had given her, was considering the claims of Christ. After speaking with her for about 30 minutes concerning matters of faith and trusting in Christ, she was interested in reading and knowing more about Jesus.

Edmon and Clebert were our connection to the DR. They helped us understand struggles and strengths that Haitians face in their churches as it relates to church membership and biblical teaching. The Sunday we were there, we were guests at Clebert church and had the privilege to see how they conducted services. Edmon and Clebert provided so much encouragement and fellowship to us the 6 days that we were there, and were a joy to be with.They have been with Noah for the last 5 years, and have helped him network with other pastors and leaders as well helping with translation.

Being in a Latin culture, we took advantage of the DR pace of life, and slowed things down a touch, which was good for all of us. We made time for dice games, eating out and a half day of prayer.  I was so thankful to be able to serve alongside Noah with such a great group of guys.

Doug Brown

Posted on: June 11, 2015 - 8:21AM

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