Advent 2015 – Luke 1:26-38 – Faith in the Word of God

Let us not do as Zacharias did. Dear friend, are you at this moment questioning any promise? Are you saying, “How shall I know this?” Cease from doubting the infallible word and rest in the Lord, His Holy Spirit enabling you to believe.

On the other hand, are you a seeking sinner and does Christ declare that whoever looks to Him shall be saved, and that whoever believes in Him is not condemned? Do not ask for any sign, but believe Him. He, Himself, is sign enough. He is God and yet Man, the bleeding Lamb, the sacrifice for sin. Believe Him. Believe Him. Believe Him and you shall have the blessing.

And you, dear child of God, if you have a text of Scripture, a promise which evidently suits your case, which meets your trouble, do not say, “How shall I know this?” When the Spirit says it, it is enough that it is in the Word. Whatever the Scripture states, be sure of it, for if all the wise men in the world were to prove it, it would not be proven one bit more. And if they were all to disprove it, it would be none the less sure. If I were to see a thing to be true which God had declared in His Word, I would not believe my eyes so well as I would believe His Word, at least, I ought not to do so. This is where we ought to stand, the entire world may deceive, but God cannot. Let God be true and every man a liar. If you will come and trust Him in this way you shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water. Your leaf shall not wither and you shall not know when drought comes. If your walk through life is the walk of faith, as Abraham’s and Enoch’s were, you shall have a grand life—grandly full, eternal and Christly. But if you doubt Him you shall not be established. The unbeliever shall be as the rolling thing before the whirlwind, as the dried leaf that falls from the tree and as the heath of the desert that knows not when good comes. May the Holy Spirit save us, brothers and sisters, from unbelief, and give us rest in the promise of God.

Charles Spurgeon

Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.

2 Corinthians 5:7
For we walk by faith, not by sight.

Read Luke 1:26-38.

Notice the differences between the way that Zechariah responds versus the way that Mary responds. What hinders you from faithful belief in the word of God? How can the Spirit grow you in your faith in God?

Come Thou Long Expected Jesus by Charles Wesley

Posted on: November 26, 2015 - 10:00PM

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