The Scoop on the CLC Bookstall

On Sunday, one of our members reminded me of an inspiring story I found worth sharing…

In the years surrounding the Reformation, the Gutenberg printing press proved largely instrumental in contributing to the spread of literacy throughout Europe. Of course, while it’s great to remember how many in the non-academic world learned to read and write, it’s infinitely greater to recall God’s sovereign hand at work through the distribution of Bibles and other theological resources.

This is just one noticeable example of how we can see God’s faithfulness to His people, using man-made technology (printing presses and books) to allow His gospel to spread among the nations. Would you and I have heard this message a half-century later, were it not for someone who came before us who read and shared it with another?

Our hope is that each member will faithfully engage with the Scriptures on a daily basis (Psalm 1:2, Joshua 1:8). Spurgeon said, “Visit many good books, but live in the Bible.” As we grow to be people who delight and meditate on the Scriptures, we believe books can help us in this pursuit. Maybe you’ve walked through the lobby and thought, what’s the deal with these carts and the shiny new books? We have picked several gospel-saturated resources that may prove helpful in further stirring our affections for Christ and His Word.

From CLC’s Church Values, we are “committed to theological training. Holding firm to the trustworthy word as taught, we are able to give instruction in sound doctrine and to rebuke those who contradict it so that we are not tossed about by false teaching.” (Ephesians 4:14-15, Titus 1:9) Our fellowship as a church, and relationships between members of our flock, will flourish as we study together, and spur one another on to grow in our love for Christ and His church. Good books will not only encourage growth in our members, but can also be passed along to others with whom we are sharing the gospel.

Of the original 180 copies of the Gutenberg Bible, 49 are known to still exist today! Perhaps some of the books we carry will make their way into the hands of a future brother or sister. It is exciting to imagine the possibilities of how the Lord might use these books.

So, is there a topic you’d like to learn more about? Or a person you know who would benefit from a helpful resource recommended by our elders? We would encourage you to stop by our bookstall after the service and look at the titles.

Or, if you’ve been studying in Covenant Life Institute, you might find one of these titles helpful as you go deeper in these topics:

  • Church History: The Unquenchable Flame (Michael Reeves)
  • Gospel-Centered Parenting: Duties of Parents (J.C. Ryle)
  • Meeting with God: With Christ in the School of Prayer (Andrew Murray)

Kevin Wilder

Posted on: May 25, 2017 - 9:03AM

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