Habbakuk 3:1-15 – Remembering God’s Good Works

As we continue our study in Habakkuk, we come to Habakkuk’s prayer of response to God. The prophet’s prayer in Habakkuk 3:1-15 is staggering. In it, Habakkuk pleads with God to again show his power, wrath, and mercy in new ways. By reflecting on God’s unparalleled works for His own people in the past, Habakkuk willfully submits to God’s decrees, trusting ultimately in His unwavering faithfulness to judge rightly. He submits to God out of resolute confidence that the Lord will keep His covenant and will not forsake His people. Even though the days yet to come are full of trouble, Habakkuk still chooses to wait quietly for it as the Lord instructed (Hab. 2:3). 

Habakkuk’s prayer is the result of a heart inclined unwaveringly toward God and His works. Psalm 119:14 says, “In the ways of your testimonies I delight as much as in all riches.” Again, in 119:24, the Psalmist states, “Your testimonies are my delight; they are my counselors.” Habakkuk used remembrances of the Lord’s works as His comfort and counselors when he was in desperate need of God’s help. 

In all times and in all places, God’s people are in need of remembering God’s works. They remind us of His power, His justice and righteousness, and His loving, everlasting commitment to His people. Psalm 111 is an example of praising and thanking God for the works and provisions He has given to His people. When we praise God for what He has done, we are reminded that He is as committed to us as He was to His people that came before us. 

The practice of praising God for His works is one of the ways Scripture teaches us to approach God. In doing so, we find ourselves encouraged and thankful for all He has done for us, and it prepares us to endure during difficult times.

This week in our worship service, we will pray a prayer of praise and thanksgiving based on Psalm 111. We invite you to reflect on this Psalm and the prayer that flows from it. 

Praise the Lord – our triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, one God now and forevermore. We bless Your name. 

Together, O Lord, we praise You and thank You, for You have done marvelous things. Your works are studied by all who delight in them. They are full of majesty and splendor, and You have caused them to be remembered throughout all generations, even to us. Thank You for showing us Your power by revealing Your works to us in Your word. Thank You that we can know You truly.

We praise You for providing for all those who fear You, and for remembering Your gracious covenant forever. You have mercifully, lovingly, and generously redeemed us as Your people. You are our God – truly awesome and entirely holy. We join in the everlasting chorus of those who gladly praise Your name forever. 


Lord From Sorrows Deep I Call by Matt Boswell & Matt Papa

Posted on: August 7, 2020 - 4:36PM

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