Galatians 3:1-10 — The Gospel Cure for Racism

Racism is having a devastating effect on the whole world. But the problem is not exclusive to the secular realm. The Church has also contributed to this tragic scene with an “indifference and resistance by Christians who are intolerant toward those of other backgrounds, ignoring their spiritual and physical needs.” Yet this ugly stripe of […]

Posted on: January 22, 2015 - 10:00PM

The Sanctity of Human Life

The majesty of God is great beyond words and worthy of our fervent worship and allegiance. And that majesty is manifest in the glory of God’s supreme creation, human beings made in his image. What we believe about God and his majesty, and what we believe about the meaning of human being in relation to […]

Posted on: January 15, 2015 - 10:00PM

Spiritual Preparation for the New Year

It’s hard to believe that 2014 is now gone. Rather than worry about days past, though, let’s focus on preparing for the new year. Use this list as a spiritual checkup to evaluate your walk. 1.Are you reading the Bible daily?  If you did not choose to adopt a through the Bible plan in January, pick […]

Posted on: January 1, 2015 - 10:00PM

Homesickness – Themes From Andrew Peterson’s Music and Stories

Could it be that the many roads You took get to here Were just for me to tell this story And for you to hear this song And your many hopes And your many fears Were meant to bring you here, all along. I had just found a good deal on an album called Counting […]

Posted on: December 29, 2014 - 3:49PM

Discipleship and the Local Church

All of us when it comes to talking about making disciples, it’s not about individual followers, just on their own, lone rangers making disciples. It’s about being a part of a body and together making disciples. So when it comes to those central practices that are involved in disciple-marking: sharing the gospel, showing the word […]

Posted on: December 23, 2014 - 10:00PM

Women’s Ornament Swap – Recap

Maybe you have been to 5, 10 or even 20 ornament swaps in your life. Or maybe this was your first time attending. In my limited experience, they have been full of sweet fellowship, laughter and delicious food (of course). This year was no different when it came to those things. There was one thing […]

Posted on: December 19, 2014 - 8:00AM

Advent 2014 – Matthew 2:13-23 Jesus’ Fulfillment of Prophecy is Reason to Rejoice

In the gospel of Matthew, Jesus is cast as the true and faithful Israel. Matthew is retelling Israel’s well known story, but he’s putting Jesus right in the middle as the main character in the story. Jesus is the new Israel. Chapter one starts with the genealogy of Jesus. Matthew understood Jesus to be a […]

Posted on: December 18, 2014 - 10:00PM

A Year of Faithfulness

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord… – Jeremiah 29:11 As I posture my heart to reflect upon the past year, I am reminded that the Lord knows the plans He has for me. His sovereign eyes saw my unformed substance—even before I was conceived. His sovereign hands wrote, every […]

Posted on: December 15, 2014 - 3:55PM

Advent 2014 – Matthew 2:1-12 – The Coming of the Magi

What should you and I do better in this life than seek after Christ! The wise men thought all other pursuits of small account compared with this. “Who is going to attend to that observatory and watch the rest of the stars?” They shake their heads, and say they do not know: these things must […]

Posted on: December 11, 2014 - 10:00PM

Advent 2014 – Matthew 1:18-25 – The Wonder of the Nativity

Do you remember God’s promise to send a Rescuer? His promise to send Jesus? Well, He kept His promise! Jesus came, just like God said He would. After thousands of years of waiting, on an ordinary night, Jesus came. God gave His people hints and clues about how Jesus would come. He told them that […]

Posted on: December 4, 2014 - 10:00PM