Make the most of your reading
As I’ve embarked on a two year journey to read through the Bible, I’ve already been reminded of my propensity to read for reading’s sake. Put another way, I’ve seen how easily my focus slips away from reading to have my life transformed by the One I’m meeting with and drifts towards merely reading for […]
Nehemiah 2 – Servant Leadership and Prayer
The critical moment had arrived. How much hangs upon the next sentence—not the continuance of the royal favour only, but perhaps the very life of the speaker, and, what is of far more value to a patriot, the future destiny of his people! Nehemiah’s perception of its intense importance is apparent in the brief […]
A Passion for the Glory of God (Nehemiah 1)
Perhaps more than ever before – I felt and continue to feel the eternal weight of the message from Sunday. This week and last have been marked by constant wrestlings to identify the idols in my own heart that would keep me from walking like Nehemiah. Those things that would hinder my pursuit of Christ-likeness. […]
Nehemiah 1 – Servant Leadership
Now when [Nehemiah] hears about the distress of God’s people and the dishonor to God’s name, he cannot be happy in this great job and these luxurious surroundings. He was willing to give it all up, make the difficult journey to Jerusalem, and to set about the stressful job of mobilizing the people to rebuild […]
Benefits of Remembering
I trust the past few weeks have afforded you opportunities to reflect & consider the evidences of God’s grace throughout 2012. If you’ve yet to make this a priority, let me encourage you to carve out the time & make this happen. As we discussed Sunday, not only does recounting God’s hand at work bring […]
End of Year 2012 – Evaluating Your Growth in Godliness
What kind of spiritual growth have you experienced during the past year? I strongly believe we should ask ourselves that question. If we are serious about growing spiritually, we must at times measure our progress. That’s the only way we will know where we are in our quest to reach spiritual maturity. Of course, I […]
Advent Week 3 – The Birth of Jesus Reveals Who God Is
This is a great deep that we stand as it were on the shores of a vast and illimitable sea. We hardly could explore its extremities. We are unable to plumb the unfathomable depths of the meaning and beauty of this marvelous passage. The preeminent Christ: “It pleased God the Father that in Him […]
Advent Week 2 – The Birth of Jesus Brings Hope
The most basic need we have is peace with God. This is foundational to all our pursuits of peace. If we don’t go here first, all other experiences of peace will be superficial and temporary. The key passage here is Romans 5:1, “Therefore, since we have been justified by faith [there’s the pivotal act […]