Nehemiah 13 – For the glory of God, our holiness matters
Sin … is still acting, still labouring to bring forth the deeds of the flesh. When sin lets us alone we may let sin alone; but as sin is never less quiet than when it seems to be most quiet, and its waters are for the most part deep when they are still, so ought […]
Nehemiah 11-12 Covenant Community for the Glory of God
Why is it important that people gather in community and join God on His mission? It is important because all throughout Scripture, community is integral for the carrying out of God’s mission. God chooses to work through people to redeem His world. People reaching people. We undertake the mission of God together because by God’s […]
Not just any group…
I’ll never forget the counsel I received as a high school sophomore: “Colleges will look to your extracurricular activities to get a more complete picture of who you are, what your interests are, & how well-rounded you are…so choose wisely the clubs you will join/activities you will participate in.” A few weeks later & I […]
Nehemiah 10 – Zeal for Repentance and Obedience
Repentance is turning away from sin, hating it, and resolving by God’s strength to forsake it, even as we turn to him in faith. Repentance is not just an optional plug-in to the Christian life. It is absolutely crucial to it, marking out those who have been saved by God and those who have not. […]
Know & Be Known
I still remember the first time I read the story from Joshua Harris’ book Stop Dating the Church…a man is offered a job in a seemingly better part of the country with a great pay increase and better opportunities to climb the ladder of success within his company. As I was reading I remember thinking, “this […]
Nehemiah 9 – Knowing God So We Can Know Ourselves
It’s easy to read this account of Israel’s repeated sins in the face of God’s abundant mercy and think, “How could those Jews be so ungrateful? How could they be so hardhearted?” It’s also easy to read this account and think, “How can my mate be so prone to sin? He [she] reads the Bible […]
Nehemiah 7-8 Importance of God’s Word for the Believer
“Ignorance of God – ignorance of both His ways and of the practice of communion with Him- lies at the root of the church’s weakness today.” That’s how J. I. Packer began the 1973 preface to his classic volume Knowing God. Packer reasoned that one trend producing such ignorance of God and weakness in the church […]
New Blog Series
We are excited to announce that beginning next week, we will begin a short series here highlighting the beauty & riches that are found within the local church. It is our hope that our church family grows in experiencing biblical community & being a display of God’s glory among the nations. We organize our church after […]
Nehemiah 6 – Recap on Fight Against Opposition
The work which Nehemiah had undertaken was one of, no common magnitude, and surrounded with no ordinary difficulties. His resources for its accomplishment were scanty, and the enemies that combined to hinder it were numerous and subtle and strong. They at first assailed him with threats; but finding these in vain, they then had […]
Nehemiah 5 – Unity through Generosity
There’s a spirit of generosity about Nehemiah. He tells us what it cost him. An ox…this is a daily requirement to feed these 150 men and the entourage of diplomats that would stay in the governor’s palace perhaps…an ox and six choice sheep, and fowl of some kind, and every ten days all kind of […]