Joshua 13-19 – Looking Forward to Our Eternal Inheritance
As Christians, we must understand that God has prepared, before the foundation of the world, this life of rest in God. God has already prepared in Christ all we need to walk the Christian life but we must claim it by faith.
Let us suppose that you go to someone’s home and the host and hostess prepare a ten course dinner for you. For some reason, however, you do not trust the host. The dinner is beautifully prepared and they say, “Dinner is served.” Even though you are very hungry, you turn your back and say, “No, thank you. I am not interested in food.” If you do not partake of the wonderful food because you distrust the host, you shall never be filled and have your hunger pangs satisfied. God is saying to each Christian, “I have prepared a rest for all my children. I am inviting you to eat with Me. Your spiritual dinner is served.” But if you do not trust God, you will never eat at His table and you will never go deeply into His life of rest. You must eat His meal. You must believe the Word. You must claim the promises. You must mix the Scripture with faith. If you do not eat, you shall starve spiritually.
Christian, you entered into the rest of salvation when you believed in Christ, but are you experiencing God’s rest in your life? If you have trusted Christ for your salvation, which is the greatest thing God could ever provide for you, if you have trusted Him for eternal life and the forgiveness of sins which is the biggest thing of all, can you not trust Him for the little things – the problems, the heartaches, the difficulties? Can you lean only on God and wait patiently for Him to work in your behalf? You must begin TODAY to trust Christ for everything, for He is your God.
You must develop by God’s grace a habit of trusting God in everything and for everything. You must learn that your power, strength and stability come from God. In your problems God will stand with you. As you keep on believing and continue to mix the promises of God with faith you will go deeper into experiencing the rest of God.
When you enter into the rest of the Lord, you are letting God do the fighting and not you. Your problems are turned over to the Lord. When you are resting in God, you are trusting God to work on you, in you, through you and for you. You stop trusting in the arm of the flesh and trust wholly in God to work out His sovereign will. When you enter into God’s rest, you learn to relax spiritually. You are delivered from fleshy efforts. You stop manipulating people, religious hustling, fleshy programming, phony religiosity, external hypocrisy, church facade when you enter into God’s rest of faith. The rest of faith sets people free to be what God wants them to be. You can relax and know that God has all things under control.
Jack Arnold
Read Joshua 13-19 and consider the compassion of God to give his people rest. Though like Israel was tempted to do, are you settling for temporary rest instead of living in light of your eternal inheritance? Reflect on the rest God provides and ask yourself how you can live faithfully in light of his promises.
The Lord Is My Salvation by Shane & Shane