Psalm 27 – Waiting Courageously on the Lord
One thing I know, one thing I seek, one thing I need, and at the very end of the book, it’s as though he says, “Oh yes, here’s one more thing—one thing I’m going to do. I’m going to be strong and wait on the Lord: I am still confident of this: I will see […]
Psalm 26 – What God Requires, He Provides
If you stand on the Rock of Ages, my dear brothers and sisters, you stand on a Rock which never can reel beneath you, and from which no power, either earthly or infernal, can ever tear you! If you are in the hands of Christ, you know what He says—“No one is able to pluck […]
CLC Talks – Together for the Gospel Recap and CLC’s Eighth Birthday
In this episode of our CLC Talks series, our elders sit down to discuss our recent trip to Louisville, Kentucky for the Together for the Gospel conference and the encouragements that we brought back from this trip, as well as taking some time to remember God’s grace to our church over the last 8 years. […]
Psalm 25 – Trusting and Remembering the Faithfulness of God
Are you obsessed by something? You will probably say, “No, by nothing,” but all of us are obsessed by something— usually by ourselves, or, if we are Christians, by our own experience of the Christian life. But the psalmist says that we are to be obsessed by God. The abiding awareness of the Christian life […]
CLC Talks – Conversation with Charlie Jackson
In this episode of our CLC Talks series, our lead pastor Justin Perry sits down with our other new pastoral assistant, Charlie Jackson, on his second full day in this position to tell us a little bit about who is, tell about his journey to saving faith in Christ, how they originally got connected to […]
Psalm 24 – The Honor Deserved the Lord of Glory
He that abides in Christ the Crucified One, learns to know what it is to be crucified with Him, and in Him to be indeed dead unto sin. He that abides in Christ the Risen and Glorified One, becomes in the same way partaker of His resurrection life, and of the glory with which He […]
Psalm 23 – God Is Our Gracious Provision, Strong Provider, and Eternally Present
The things you say about yourself, about God, and about life are very, very important because they are formative of the way you act and react to the things God places in your life. In those silent and private conversations that you have with you, you are remembering God’s grace or you’re not. When you […]
CLC Talks – Conversation with Bob Walker
In this episode of our CLC Talks series, our lead pastor Justin Perry sits down with one of our newest pastoral assistants, Bob Walker, to learn a little bit about his background, interests, how our church has encouraged his walk with Christ, and his hopes for how God will use him in this role new […]
Easter 2018 – Acts 2:24 – The Grave Couldn’t Hold Jesus
Satan conspired with Judas, Pilate, and the Jewish leaders to kill the Author of life, but God raised him from the dead (Acts 3:15), “loosing the pangs of death, because it was not possible for him to be held by it” (Acts 2:24). And if you believe in him, death cannot hold you either: “Jesus […]
2 Kings 7:1-9 – When Jesus is Your Treasure, You Share That Treasure with Others
I don’t know of a finer illustration of what it is to be a preacher, and what it is to be a witness, and what it is to be a Christian. We are not men who are theorizing, and we are not philosophizing. We are saying to sinners, “There is a way that a man […]