Mark 2:13-17 – The Mercy of Jesus Towards Sinners
The more closely we look, the more clear this fact becomes, for, brethren, the work of salvation was certainly not performed for any of us who are saved on account of any goodness in us. If there is any goodness in us, it was put there by the grace of God and it certainly was […]
Mark 2:1-12 – The Authority of our Awesome God
It is one thing for Jesus to promise forgiveness, but his words have no meaning other than the ranting of a madman or some kind of theological anarchist, if the man remains on his mat. But if the man gets up and walks, then it is clear that Jesus does have the power to do […]
CLC Talks – Partnership with Treasuring Christ Together Network
In this sixth episode of our CLC Talks series, our lead pastor, Justin Perry, sits down with Sean Cordell, the lead pastor of Treasuring Christ Church in Raleigh, NC and Executive Director of TCTN during our yearly retreat in San Diego to talk about what this church planting network is and how it serves the […]
Mark 1:40-45 – The Compassionate Touch of Jesus
Go back to the past history of this [leper]. Ever since his disease declared itself no human being had touched him. If he had a wife he had been separated from her; if he had children their lips had never kissed his, nor their little hands found their way into his hard palm. Alone he […]
Mark 1:21-39 – The Power of King Jesus on Display
Jesus’ authority and strength came through prayer. Note that Mark makes a connection with Jesus’ power over illness and evil with prayerful seclusion; being alone with his Father. That is a consistent pattern with Jesus when you read the gospels: he prays alone, he prays at night, he prays at times of crisis and before […]
Mark 1:14-20 – The Gracious Call of God’s Appointed King
Jesus preached this message to them: “The kingdom of God is near.” He didn’t come with good advice – “five tips on building a better Galilee”, or “How to have a better marriage”, or, “Learning to live with the Romans.” That was not Jesus’ message. He does not come to confirm the status quo of […]
CLC Talks – Pastoral Internship at Covenant Life Church
In this fifth episode of our CLC Talks series, our lead pastor, Justin Perry, sits down with one of our interns, Kevin Wilder, to discuss what our internship is and how it serves to advance our mission statement. Listen Now
Mark 1:9-13 – The Beginning of the Ministry of Jesus
The fact is that we are surrounded by an invisible spiritual kingdom, with great forces, both of evil and of good, playing upon us. In that kingdom, Jesus is Lord, Jesus reigns supreme. And that kingdom governs all the events of history, and all the events of our daily lives and circumstances. So that when […]
Mark 1:1-8 – The Beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
This is the beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, as it is written in the Prophets. Where did it ultimately and first begin? The gospel of the grace of the Son of God, where was the beginning of the beginnings? Where first did the gospel begin? Was it when […]
Psalm 22 – Suffering That Gives Way to Glory
To live the way you have been called and graced to live, you have to know your address. You have to understand what it means to live where you live every day. For example, if you live in the city, you know that parking is going to be a problem. If you live in the […]