Jude 24-25 – Our Confidence in Contending for the Faith
Wonderful is the wisdom which he has displayed in his dealings with his people. Contemplate the plan of salvation through the incarnation and death of his only-begotten Son. What unfathomable depths of wisdom are here? Well is it called, “The wisdom of God in a mystery!” To contemplate that, will be the employment of eternity. […]
Jude 17-23 – Remaining in the Love of God
“O beloved! I implore you by the love of God, and by the love of your own souls, be faithful unto death. Do you have difficulties? You must conquer them. Hannibal crossed the Alps, for his heart was full of fury against Rome; and you must cross the Alps of difficulty, for I trust your […]
Jude 4-16 – The Holiness of God in Judging Sin
To be a human being who sins against God is not merely to make a mistake or to mess up. To sin against God is to willfully, knowingly declare independence from your Creator, to declare that you want God to be unthroned, to declare that you want to be god in his place, to commit […]
Jude 1-4 – Contending for the Faith
Sometimes the word faith is used for the feeling of trust in Christ. Other times, as here, it is used for the truths we believe about the one we trust. Sometimes it is necessary to stress that Christianity is primarily a relationship with Jesus rather than a set of ideas about Jesus. The reason we […]
2 Timothy 4:16-18 – Life and Death
Jesus died. Death is destroyed. Satan, the one who holds the power of death, is destroyed. Death and sin no longer have mastery. Death cannot separate us from the love of God. This is why the gospel, when it is properly understood, floods a man with such delight and boldness in the face of death. […]
Prayer – The Engine of the Church
It happens every time … for me at least. Isn’t it interesting how something that engages your senses at one point in your life, can bring back memories of another place and time? Last week as I was in St. Louis, I found myself walking by Busch Stadium and as soon as the blended aroma […]
Genesis Summary – Our Powerful and Faithful God
The book of Genesis is the story not of man, not of creation, but of God. It is the story of the One who completely and perfectly created all things. It is his story about how he put everything in its place and put man in it to enjoy him and to glorify him forever. […]
Genesis 50 – God’s Grace Prevailing Over Sin
Don’t miss the point of this story. The purpose of the story of Joseph is to point us to the supremacy of Jesus. Look at those many faces of Joseph. Look at them … and then think about Jesus. The favorite Son—the one and only Son—who came to earth and was despised by his brothers, […]
Genesis 49 – Behold Jesus, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah
As we approach the end of the book of Genesis, and the end of the life of Jacob, we see the blessings of Jacob upon his sons. Moses takes this opportunity to not only record history, but to record the words of God speaking through Jacob to point us to the hope of all nations, […]
Genesis 47-48 – The Unexpected Nature of Grace
In blessing his grandsons, Jacob deliberately crossed his hands, so that his right hand rested upon Ephraim, the youngest, instead of upon Manasseh, the oldest, as Joseph had planned. When Joseph tried to correct his father, the old man said, “I know, my son, I know.” Why did Jacob do that? Because God had […]