Ephesians 2:11-22 – Racial Reconciliation
African-American professor Dr. George Yancy writes: “Don’t tell me about how many black friends you have. Don’t tell me that you are married to someone of color. Don’t tell me that you voted for Obama. Don’t tell me that I’m the racist. Don’t tell me that you don’t see color. Don’t tell me that I’m blaming […]
Genesis 17 – The Covenant Faithfulness of God
HEART PREPARATION Twenty-four years have passed since God appeared to Abram in Genesis 15. In the midst of this waiting, Abram faithlessly attempted to attain the covenant through his own wisdom and strength. But now God has appeared to Abram again to affirm his covenant with a sign. The sign of this covenant is a […]
Genesis 16 – The God Who Sees and Hears
HEART PREPARATION El Roi (The God Who Sees) sees past, present, and future. He sees the outcast on her knees. He will assure that it all works together for good because His lovingkindness is from everlasting to everlasting. He holds your future in His hands. It may not look like it now but you have […]
Genesis 15 – Abraham’s Righteousness by Faith
HEART PREPARATION It was a good work to leave his country and his father’s house at God’s bidding; it was a good work to separate from Lot in so noble a spirit; it was a good work to follow after the robber-kings with undaunted courage; it was a grand work to refuse to take the […]
Advent 2015 – Luke 2:25-35 – A Light for the Nations
HEART PREPARATION Simeon explicitly says that this baby will not only be the glory of his own people Israel. He will also be the light of revelation for the Gentiles. He’s not just for Israel. He didn’t come just for their benefit. He came to shine a light of the revelation of God into every […]
Advent 2015 – Luke 2:8-14 – Good News of Great Joy
HEART PREPARATION It was much that there was born a Saviour – much that there was born a Messiah. Men needed a deliverer, and the proclamation here is best kept in its widest meaning – as of one who sets free from all ills outward and inward, and brings all outward and inward good. The […]
Advent 2015 – Luke 1:26-38 – Faith in the Word of God
HEART PREPARATION Let us not do as Zacharias did. Dear friend, are you at this moment questioning any promise? Are you saying, “How shall I know this?” Cease from doubting the infallible word and rest in the Lord, His Holy Spirit enabling you to believe. On the other hand, are you a seeking sinner and […]
Genesis 13-14 – Faith in the Promises of God
HEART PREPARATION Why should he, who has God’s promise that all the land is his, squabble with his kinsman about pasture and wells? The herdsmen naturally would come to high words and blows, especially as the available land was diminished by the claims of the ‘Canaanite and Perizzite.’ But the direct effect of Abram’s faith […]
Genesis 12 – Faith in the Call of God
HEART PREPARATION The authority of God should in our minds be paramount to every other authority. As he “consulted not with flesh and blood,” when once the Divine will was intimated to him, so neither should we: it should be sufficient for us that God hath commanded any thing: there should then be no inquiry […]
Genesis 11 – Man’s Attempts to Gain Glory and God’s Gracious Judgment
HEART PREPARATION Thus the story of the founding of Babylon has been carefully constructed around key terms and ideas. The people of the land were at first united as one people sharing one language and living in the “land”. They moved “eastward” and built a city to make a name for themselves in order not […]