Genesis 9:18-10:32 – A New Beginning and Hope for the Nations
HEART PREPARATION A funnel is an instrument for concentrating the flow of something from a wide area into a small area. That’s what’s happening here [in this text]. Although it appears that God is working only with nations, the end of the chapter reminds us that the line of promise goes from one man to […]
Genesis 8:1-9:17 – The Picture of Christ in Noah’s Sacrifice
HEART PREPARATION Sin is just as much a problem after the flood as before. The flood of judgment did not eradicate sin; the covenant of grace did not guarantee righteousness. If God’s purpose was to fill the earth with the glory of his righteousness, then we must conclude one of two things: God is a […]
Genesis 6:9-7:24 – God’s Righteous Judgment and Grace Towards the Righteous
HEART PREPARATION “The flood came as a surprise, and Christ’s second coming is going to come as a surprise. We tend to think that our experience is a good teacher, as if it were sufficient to make predictions about the future. We assume that because God hasn’t dramatically intervened with terrible judgment during our lives […]
Genesis 4:17-6:8 – God’s Grief Towards Sin and Affections Towards the Righteous
HEART PREPARATION “The dealings of the Lord in his own case, cause the grateful singer to remember the usual rule of God’s moral government; he is just in his dealings with the sons of men, and metes out to each man according to his measure. “With the merciful you will show yourself merciful; with an […]
CLC Women’s Panel
“We are all relevant to each other,” Holly Edward reminded the women of CLC on September 25th. She continued that our age or life stage isn’t the most relevant factor we all share, but Christ. I think that beautifully sums up the immensely encouraging evening as those in attendance were able to hear seven of our […]
Genesis 4 – The Devastation of Sin, Punishment for Sin, and God’s Grace To Sinners
HEART PREPARATION “The sin of our nature is like a sleeping lion, the least thing that awakens it makes it rage. The sin of our nature, though it seems quiet, and lies as fire hid under the embers, yet if it be a little stirred and blown up by a temptation, how quickly may it […]
Genesis 3 – The Deception of Sin, the Punishment for Sin, and Provision for Sin
HEART PREPARATION “This multiform corruption of nature therefore ought not only not to be minimized, but to be as much as possible magnified. It ought to be shown that man is not only fallen from the image’ of God, from the knowledge of God, from the knowledge of all other creatures, and from all the […]
Genesis 2:18-25 – God’s Good Design in Gender and Marriage
HEART PREPARATION “Men and women were deliberately designed to be different. Indeed, we are specifically created as complements to one another—as different halves of a whole that reflects the glory of God. It’s patently obvious we were created to fit together physically; of course, we couldn’t create life if that weren’t the case. So when […]
Genesis 1:26 – 2:17 – Created in God’s Image to Reflect God’s Glory
HEART PREPARATION At night you can look up at the stars. Scientists tell us that the light we are seeing from those stars is millions of years old. Some of the stars we see, aren’t even there anymore. They also tell us that those stars are moving farther and farther away from us. If you […]
Genesis 1:3-2:3 – God’s Work of Creation
HEART PREPARATION “The church’s central message is the cross and resurrection of Christ. It is the message we call the gospel, the good news of salvation to sinful humanity through the atoning work of Jesus Christ. But that message comes to us in the midst of a larger truth, without which there is no context […]