Genesis 1:1-2:3 – The Beginning of the Story of God and His Creation
HEART PREPARATION Imagine you are one of the people of Israel when the book of Genesis was being written. You are with Moses after coming out of Egypt where there was a god for almost every concept imaginable. In Egypt, there was a god for love and a god for wisdom, a god for the […]
The Church Is On Mission Together – Evangelism
Ultimately, our motive in evangelism must be a desire to see God glorified. This was the end of all of the Lord Jesus’ actions (see John 17). Again and again throughout Ezekiel we read the phrase “then they will know that I am the LORD” as God’s explanation for his actions with his disobedient people […]
The Church Scatters Together – Biblical Discipleship – Matthew 28:18-20
What is biblical discipleship? Of all the questions Christians need to wrestle with, this is one of the most important. Being disciples of Jesus gets to the very core of who we are and what we should be doing with our lives. Disciples are called to follow Christ, and following him means helping others follow […]
The Church Multiplies Together – Acts 9:1-3
Disciple-making doesn’t just happen because a church exists and people show up. It is a deliberate process. Considering the modifying participles of “going . . . baptizing . . . teaching” help us recognize this process. It must include evangelizing (going to new people and new places), establishing (baptizing new believers and teaching obedience), and […]
The Church Learns Together – 2 Timothy 3:14-17
You’ve learned Scripture from somebody. The Scriptures have been taught to you by people whose lives are of such a quality that the message was underlined, because the person who taught you had so obviously encountered God. When we see a life that has the wisdom and power and authority of God in it, and […]
The Church Prays Together – 1 Chronicles 29:10-13
God’s Word, the voice of the Church, and our prayers belong together. So we must now speak of common prayer. “If two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven” (Matt. 18:19). There is no part […]
Send Tampa 2015 – Personal Testimony
What does it look like when a redeemed people live on mission? At Covenant Life, in addition to partnering with other missionary families and church planters, we send off a few teams yearly, to serve and minister to specific people groups. This year our summer missions schedule included a trip to Tampa, Florida. Our “trip” […]
Colossians 3:16 – Why The Church Should Sing Together
Why is it so important that we sing together on Sundays? Why can’t I just go out in the woods and sing or just light up a fire in my fireplace and sing to God by myself in the cozy comfort of my den? Isn’t our Sunday worship just a warm up for the message? […]
Send Tampa Mission Trip – Ephesians 2:1-10 – The Wonder of the Gospel
Just before I graduated from college, two of my best friends and I decided on whim to take a trip to Yellowstone National Park. One morning we decided to spend the day on a hike and see where the trail led. It was a long hike, and after a while we started joking that it […]
Presenting CLC’s Women’s Retreat: Joy in the Journey
Sometimes I feel weary from trying so hard. Between the self-replenishing piles of laundry and the nagging reminders of my own sin, I quickly lose a childlike wonder of beholding and enjoying the Lord. I can only seem to think of all those women I know who are doing a whole lot better than I […]