Philippians 4:15-23 – The Grace of God in Giving and Receiving
Bring forth your vessels, even empty vessels! “All your need.” I do not suppose that you are under any great obligation to go out, tonight, and borrow other people’s needs, for you have enough of your own at home—needs many and varied. Very well, set them out. Hide none of them away, but put them […]
Philippians 4:10-14 – Finding Contentment in Christ
Has a nation ever changed its gods? (Yet they are not gods at all.) But my people have exchanged their glorious God for worthless idols. Be appalled at this, you heavens, and shudder with great horror,” declares the LORD. “My people have committed two sins: They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and […]
Updates From the 2015 DR Missions Trip – Bruce Acosta
Reflecting on the Missions Trip to the Dominican Republic … “What did you learn?” has been the question asked most frequently since we returned. To be honest, it’s a difficult question to answer since I enjoyed the trip so much and learned a considerable amount. I learned about discipleship, fellowship, church health, marriage/dating, missions and evangelism. I took away […]
Philippians 4:8-9 – Holy Thoughts
It is a remarkable touch in John Bunyan’s description of Ignorance, as he walks beside the two elder pilgrims, that he says: “My heart is as good as any man’s heart”—and adds, “As to my thoughts, I take no notice of them.” Probably there are scores of people who take no notice of their thoughts. […]
Final Service at FBC – Thanksgiving for God’s Blessings
Grace. Gifts. Gladness. Gratitude. All these words are in a logical and theological order God is the author and the source of grace. Grace is the best thing that ever happened to man. Without grace we are condemned and lost in God’s divine court. Everybody loves gifts. Gifts are free, like grace. Grace doesn’t cost […]
Updates from the 2015 DR Mission Trip – Doug Brown
Jay, Bruce and I just returned from the Dominican and we are all encouraged by what is happening with the ministry of HaitiLove. We learned much about how Noah ministers and serves the Church abroad. Our trip revolved around a 9 Marks conference that was held in a Haitian community near the farming town of […]
Philippians 4:4-9 – Rejoicing in Christ in Everything
There can be little doubt that we belong to an anxious and careworn generation. Never was the world so rich in material things, never did it possess so many mechanical appliances for lightening human tasks and toils. But as the world grows richer, it seems to grow more and more anxious. There would be some […]
Philippians 4:1-3 – Unity in the Body
We cannot love God whom we have not seen, without also loving our sister, whom we have. Before love ever existed in mankind it existed in God, in the love of the Father for the Son, in the love of the Son for the Father and of both for the Spirit. We are to love […]
Happy 5 Years, CLC
Here’s another video from our 5 year celebration from last month. To God be the glory! CLC 5 Years by Frankie Concepcion from Covenant Life Church on Vimeo.
Philippians 3:15-21 – Our Heavenly Kingdom
Paul was not only writing to Philippi, but from Rome, where he might see how, even in degenerate days, the consciousness of being a Roman gave dignity to a man, and how the idea became almost a religion. He would kindle a similar feeling in Christians. We do belong to another polity or order of […]