Philippians 3:12-16 – Pressing On Towards the Prize
Here is [Paul] who starts right away with an object in life — something to strive for, something to achieve, something worth achieving. He has a goal to which his whole existence tends. And that goal is Jesus Christ. His ruling passion is to get nearer to Jesus Christ, to be more like Jesus Christ, […]
Philippians 3:7-11 – The Glory of Knowing Christ
The world’s goods, its substance, its riches, its pleasures, its pomp, its fame, what are all these without Christ? They are a painted pageantry to go to hell in! They are a mockery to an immortal spirit. They are a mirage of the wilderness, deluding the traveler, but not yielding to his desires one substantial […]
Philippians 3:1-6 – No Confidence in the Flesh
A true Christian is one who has “no confidence in the flesh”. This means they have utterly despaired of themselves … are spiritual bankrupt. When the Holy Spirit does a work of grace in someone, He convicts them of their sin. Not just sins, but convicts of the fact that they are sinners by nature […]
Philippians 2:19-30 – Examples of Faithfully Following Christ
This focus on Christ and His work should not just be true of those who earn their living from the gospel. Every Christian, however you earn your living, should live every day in fellowship with the Lord, in submission to His will, in obedience to His Word, available to do His work. Christian servants will […]
Celebrating 5 Years – Jay Gregory
I moved to Tampa almost five years ago. I moved here to be a part of Covenant Life Church. I moved here because I wanted to see God do a radical work in this city. I moved here to see God raise up laborers and send them out for his glory to the ends of […]
Celebrating 5 Years – Steven Sherman
It was early October 2011 when a newly married couple arrived in a new city. One of us knew a few relocated coworkers, while the other only knew her husband but trustingly followed to this new place. My wife Krystle and I were married on October 1, 2011, and moved to Tampa one week later […]
Psalm 111 – Thankfulness to God
Remembrance of the wonderful works of the Lord will have this effect on our minds. It will make us consider and acknowledge the divine bounty to us throughout all our lives. Observe what the psalmist says next: “He hath given meat unto them that fear him.” Now, as we recollect that, as the Israelites might […]
Celebrating 5 Years – Blessing Ekanem
I often say that Covenant Life Church is the best gift that Google has ever given me! Moving to a new city can be an overwhelming experience, and finding a home church was important to me prior to arriving. While still living in Orlando, I Googled “churches in Tampa,” and CLC was one of the […]
Celebrating 5 Years – Lauren Young
The first time I visited Covenant Life Church, I was invited to join by my friend Kaity, who God used to share the gospel with me. I first believed in Jesus as my Lord and Savior two years ago in May, when God gave me new life and made me a new creation. When Kaity […]