Celebrating 5 Years – Kevin Wilder

Five years! Well, okay—I will start with some honesty. It’s only been two for me. Around the time I first visited Covenant Life, I was somewhat new returning to Tampa after several years spent in another state. Life had thrown some curveballs and taken me places I hadn’t anticipated. Through unmet expectations and unexpected left turns, […]

Posted on: April 14, 2015 - 8:00AM

Celebrating 5 Years – Jenny Fugler

When we received our orders to Tampa a little over two years ago, my brother-in-law gave us some sound advice: look for a church that emphasizes community. A church that believes in doing life together. A church that works at knowing its members well. While Travis and I had always discussed what was important to […]

Posted on: April 13, 2015 - 8:00AM

Celebrating 5 Years – Hope Henchey

My hands were shaking as I texted my husband. I was on the verge of tears and I could hardly even walk, I was so excited. (That’s dramatic, I know, but this ended up being a very decisive moment for us.) What life-altering event happened that August afternoon in 2012? I had stumbled upon the […]

Posted on: April 12, 2015 - 1:15AM

Philippians 2:14-18 – Living The Christian Life By The Word of Life

We are strengthened by the word of life, and we need to mature if we are going to keep living in a blameless and God-pleasing way right in the midst of a crooked and depraved generation, when all the currents flowing around us would discourage us from living like that. But the word of life […]

Posted on: April 9, 2015 - 10:00PM

John 11 – Jesus Wasn’t Just Resurrected. He is the Resurrection.

In John 14:21, Jesus says, “Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.” What a wonderful statement! “I will love you, and manifest myself to you.” That is how […]

Posted on: April 1, 2015 - 10:00PM

Resource Highlight – The Things of Earth

I’ve had this question for years and until recently had never received a good answer. Before I say what it is, let me ask a few questions… Can a man love his wife without idolizing her? Can a mother love her children without making them into tiny screaming idols? Can we enjoy and be awestruck […]

Posted on: March 31, 2015 - 10:12AM

Philippians 2:12-13 – The Christian Reaction to Divine Action

In these comprehensive words we may observe,… The connection between them: “It is God that worketh in you;” therefore “work out your own salvation.” “But,” say some, “what connection is there between the former and the latter clause of this sentence? Is there not rather a flat opposition between the one and the other? If […]

Posted on: March 26, 2015 - 10:00PM

Philippians 2:5-11 – The Humility and Glory of Christ

There could have been no restoration and no satisfaction to law and justice, but in the humiliation of the Son of God. The very necessity of the case demanded it. The Divine government had been dishonored. That dishonor could only be removed by the humiliation of one equal in dignity, holiness, and glory – even […]

Posted on: March 19, 2015 - 10:00PM

Friends of Internationals Update – Spring Dinner “Taste the World”

Imagine throwing a dinner party for over 100 of your closest friends. You want to talk to everyone and everyone is trying to talk to you, but now something is getting spilled or someone needs help with this or someone needs you to tell them that. It would be a crazy night, but man would […]

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Philippians 2:1-4 – Unity Through the Gospel

Philippians 2:1-4 gives us this vision. It places the gospel before us as a unifying force that leads us to look out for the needs of others in the community of Jesus. We must recognize what we’re uniting for. Sometimes we forget. If a community is to be united, it must have something worth uniting […]

Posted on: March 12, 2015 - 10:00PM