Philippians 2:12-13 – The Christian Reaction to Divine Action
In these comprehensive words we may observe,… The connection between them: “It is God that worketh in you;” therefore “work out your own salvation.” “But,” say some, “what connection is there between the former and the latter clause of this sentence? Is there not rather a flat opposition between the one and the other? If […]
The Importance of Disciple Making in the Mission of the Church
All of us when it comes to talking about making disciples, it’s not about individual followers, just on their own, lone rangers making disciples. It’s about being a part of a body and together making disciples. So when it comes to those central practices that are involved in disciple-marking: sharing the gospel, showing the […]
Where are We Going As A Church? Sermon Series – Part 1
By dying upon the cross for our sin and by rising from the dead in victory over sin, Jesus fully activated the good news. We can now be reconciled to God and live forever in unbroken fellowship with God. We can begin already to experience the new creation, even as we wait for the […]