Joshua 5:13-6:27 – The Gospel According To The Crumbling Walls of Jericho
This Sunday morning we have the opportunity to open our Bibles to the account of the Battle of Jericho where God caused the walls of the city to collapse such that the Israelites might enter in and take possession of the land which God had promised them, and for many of us this is a […]
Joshua 5:1-12 – God’s Grace to Give Us Rest Ultimately in Christ
Joshua’s rest was not the ultimate rest. Even though Joshua brought the children of Israel into the land of Canaan, that was not the ultimate rest which God had prepared for His people. Israel had a tendency toward satisfaction once they were in the land. They were satisfied with the land, and they took it […]
Joshua 3-4 – Remembering the Faithfulness of God so that the Nations Will Know
“That all the people of the earth might know the hand of the Lord that it is mighty: that ye might fear the Lord your God for ever” (v. 24). God’s miraculous deliverances of His own people have a message for all the world, and when He is pleased to sanctify the same unto the […]
Joshua 2 – A Faithful God Makes Faithful Promises
When we think of the book of Joshua, our first thoughts probably settle on the battles and conquests recorded throughout the book. Perhaps we think of the power of God seen in the miraculous crossing of the Jordan River and in the miraculous defeat of the city of Jericho. Perhaps we think of the sin […]
Joshua 1:10-18 – Trusting in God As You Prepare
How many there are whose life is a battle God knowest, O Father of all living! They wonder why they should exist; all things are hard to them: the night is dark, every road is difficult of passage, every door is shut, every man is a foe. They wonder and can hardly pray; they are […]
Joshua 1:1-9 – The Right Source of Success
They were standing on the borders of the land that God had promised them. It stretched out with beauty before their eyes. They had sent explorers into the land to check it out. The report came back that is was rich and lush, producing sweet and succulent fruit. But the children of Israel were not […]
Acts 5, 8, 11, & 13 – Gospel Renewal
Opportunities abound for sharing our faith. Things are happening all around us that cause people to ask religious questions. Religion becomes news because of religious wars in the Middle East, a political leader makes a statement about their faith, or a sports personality makes it known that they are a thoughtful follower of Jesus. […]
Ephesians 4:30-32 – Living in Gospel-Centered Community
Let me put it this way: If you excise the gospel community from your thinking about the gospel announcement, you gut the gospel of its purpose. Though the church is not the subject of the gospel announcement (Christ alone is the subject, of course), the church is a necessary object. Christ’s death has a purpose: […]
Psalm 63:1-8 – Delighting in God
As soon as the soul has obtained an interest in Christ, and reconciliation with God through him, it is privileged to claim God as its own peculiar portion: it is entitled to say of Christ, “My Beloved is mine, and I am his:” “He has loved me, and given himself for me.” And to the […]
Mission and Values – Matthew 28:18-20 – Discipleship
Following Christ means making disciples. His words echo in the back of our minds, “Go therefore and make disciples . . . ” (Matthew 28:19). Not first and foremost “have daily devotions” or “give to the poor,” but make disciples. We don’t become a Christian by making disciples, but once we are in Christ, few […]