Mark 9:2-13 – The Transfig Ya’ Dig
In order to rescue his disciples from their bondage to their own glory and their addiction to all the shadow glories of the crated world, it was necessary for Jesus to reveal a greater, more transcendent glory. So in one of the most incredible scenes in all of the biblical story, Jesus pulled back the […]
Mark 8:31-9:1 – The Necessity of the Cross
Those who think that if they were present the day Jesus was crucified, they could have somehow prevented his death, speak out of ignorance. I often rehearse the following words to my congregation, which I am sure to have borrowed from someone else: “The cross was not an atrocity; it was a necessity.” As I […]
Mark 8:1-9 The Reach, Breadth, and Expanse of Christ’s Compassion and Power
While many similarities exist between Mark 6:30–44 and 8:1–10, there are also key differences. For instance, the crowd in 8:1–10 is much smaller, consisting of four thousand people total, whereas the crowd in 6:30–44 consists of five thousand men. These men would have had their families with them, making the total number fed on that […]
Pastoral Prayer – October 14, 2018
Almighty God, your people in this place – we who, by your grace, have seen the wretchedness of our sin, repented of it, and surrendered to Jesus as Lord – humbly come before you now at His invitation; not on our own merits but on His. Merciful Father, you have adopted us as your children […]
Mark 7:31-37 – The Compassionate Touch of Jesus
The last thing which demands our notice in these verses, is the remarkable testimony which was borne by those who saw the miracle here recorded. They said of our Lord, “He has done all things well!” It is more than probable that those who said these words were little sensible of their full meaning, […]
Book Review – The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert
The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert by Rosaria Champagne Butterfield Review written by Marbeth Wickliffe Some of my favorite types of books are missionary stories. I love to hear how God uses regular people with struggles to bring glory to Himself. This book is a missionary story with a twist. It tells the story […]
Reflecting on the Sing! 2018 Conference
Written by Jenny Fugler It was not the first time I had seen my dad cry over something spiritual. It was not unusual for him to sing throughout his day. The fact that he loved hymns and knew most of them by heart was also not surprising, as he and my mom raised my four […]
Mark 6:53-56 – Don’t Miss the Compassion and Power of Jesus
One of the greatest qualities in the life of Jesus was his willingness to enter into the human situation and to be deeply moved by tender compassion that compelled him to help and to heal. Jesus was never detached from, nor indifferent to human sorrow and suffering. People were never a nuisance to Jesus but […]
Mark 6:45-52 – Jesus Walks On Water
Sinking times are praying times with the Lord’s servants. Peter neglected prayer at starting upon his venturous journey, but when he began to sink his danger made him a suppliant, and his cry though late was not too late. In our hours of bodily pain and mental anguish, we find ourselves as naturally driven to […]
Pastoral Prayer – September 2, 2018
You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being. (Rev 4.11 NIV) We come before your throne as a broken people living in a broken world. You are all knowing, and so you know […]