Mark 7:31-37 – The Compassionate Touch of Jesus

The last thing which demands our notice in these verses, is the remarkable testimony which was borne by those who saw the miracle here recorded. They said of our Lord, “He has done all things well!”
It is more than probable that those who said these words were little sensible of their full meaning, when applied to Christ. Like Caiaphas, they “spoke not of themselves.” (John 11:51.) But the truth to which they gave utterance is full of deep and unspeakable comfort, and ought to be daily remembered by all true Christians. Let us remember it as we look back over the days past of our lives, from the hour of our conversion. “Our Lord has done all things well.” In the first bringing us out of darkness into marvelous light — in humbling us and teaching us our weakness, guilt, and folly — in stripping us of our idols, and choosing all our portions in placing us where we are, and giving us what we have — how well everything has been done! How great the mercy that we have not had our own way!
Let us remember it as we look forward to the days yet to come. We know not what they may be, bright or dark, many or few. But we know that we are in the hands of Him who “does all things well.” He will not err in any of His dealings with us. He will take away and give — He will afflict and bereave — He will move and He will settle, with perfect wisdom, at the right time, in the right way. The great Shepherd of the sheep makes no mistakes. He leads every lamb of His flock by the right way to the city of habitation.
We shall never see the full beauty of these words until the resurrection morning. We shall then look back over our lives, and know the meaning of everything that happened from first to last. We shall remember all the way by which we were led, and confess that all was “well done.” The why and the wherefore, the causes and the reasons of everything which now perplexes, will be clear and plain as the sun at noon-day. We shall wonder at our own past blindness, and marvel that we could ever have doubted our Lord’s love. “Now we see through a glass darkly, but then face to face. Now we know in part, but then shall we know even as we are known.” (1 Cor. 13:12.)

J.C. Ryle

Read Mark 7:31-37 and ask yourself how often do you consider that Jesus “has done all things well.” Do you remember frequently his salvation, his compassion, his healing, his restoration, etc.? What’s preventing you from taking time to do that now? And then to make that a habit?

I Will Glory In My Redeemer by Sovereign Grace

Posted on: October 11, 2018 - 10:00PM

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