Hosea 9-10 It Is Time To Seek The Lord
“It is time to seek the Lord.” I wish you to reflect, first, that we yet have time. It might have been otherwise. We might have been cut down in our sins. Many of our neighbors and acquaintances have died. Some of them, we have reason to fear, died in their iniquities and were taken […]
Hosea 8 – Do You Come to God to get God?
Millions of nominal Christians have never experienced a fundamental alteration of that foundation of happiness. Instead they have absorbed the notion that becoming Christian means turning to Jesus to get what you always wanted before you were born again. So, if you wanted wealth, you stop depending on yourself for it, and by prayer and […]
Partner Update – HaitiLove / Missions Trip to the Dominican Republic
Missions: what does the term mean? Should it mean different things to different people, or have the same exact definition for everyone? Most if not all Christians would agree that the purpose of missions is to spread the gospel of Christ: for people from every tribe, nation and tongue to repent of their sins and […]
Hosea 6-7 God Desires Mercy Not Sacrifice
There is a disposition in every man to substitute external observances for the devotion of the heart; and to rest satisfied with rendering to God some easy services, while they are utterly averse to those duties which are more difficult and self-denying. But God cannot be deceived, nor will he be mocked. He will look at the heart, […]
Hosea 5 – Hope in the Midst of God’s Judgments
It is the will of God that the discoveries of his terrible majesty, and awful holiness and justice, should accompany the discoveries of his grace and love, in order that he may give to his creatures worthy and just apprehensions of himself. It is the glory of God that these attributes are united in the […]
Hosea 4 – The Value of Knowing God’s Word
How little do they know of their blindness! They suppose themselves as competent to judge of spiritual as they are of carnal things; though God tells them, that they cannot comprehend the things of the Spirit for want of a spiritual discernment. How little do they know of their guilt! Do they really feel themselves […]
Resource Highlight – Just Do Something
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you. – Psalm 32:8 Have you ever been plagued with worry about taking the wrong job? Choosing the right diet? Marrying the right person? Maybe it’s another life-altering decision. The list goes on! Several […]
Hosea 3 – The Faithfulness of God Demonstrated through Hosea
Yahweh calls Hosea to keep on loving Gomer, even as she continues to run to the arms of another man, with the same love that Yahweh is showing to Israel, even as they go on turning to the Baals. The impulse underlying the faithfulness of Yahweh is a deep and undying love for his people. […]
Hosea 2:14-23 The Shock of God’s Grace
When the Lord gets His people all alone, what words of comfort He has with them! What words they are when He assures them of their full forgiveness, when they see all the sins of their former perverse life gone forever and hear the Lord say, “I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, your […]
Biblical Living – Friends of Internationals
With this week another new school semester begins. This means Friends of Internationals has new ways to get involved and help reach students in our own backyard at the University of Tampa. Through this partnering ministry, our church has a wonderful chance to live out our mission statement, to work for the gospel renewal of Tampa […]