Hosea 2:1-13 The Right Object of Our Worship
This is a very interesting aspect of the human condition. Our refusal to give credit where credit is due when it comes to all that God does for us. And for me, this was a fresh insight that I had into the nature of our idolatry. It’s not just that we are idolaters, but that […]
MC Spotlight – Brandon
When we began attending Covenant Life in August of 2012, we quickly learned that almost everyone in the church lives in, well, Tampa. As Brandon-dwellers for over a decade, it’s been challenging for Peter and I to take the family out to Tampa at least two or three times a week and maintain regular friendships […]
Hosea 1:2-11 God’s Faithfulness Through Judgment
Hosea’s relationships with his young bride and the three children that follow are powerfully symbolic of the Lord’s relationship with a nation that is spiritually unfaithful or adulterous. Throughout the Old Testament God is described as Israel’s husband. He found her, chose her, and cherished her in innocence. He is also called a father of […]
2014 CLC Women’s Retreat – Recap
The 2014 CLC Women’s Retreat was a true blessing for my heart, mind and soul. The speaker this year was Jackie Kendall, a God-fearing, high-spirited and humorous woman of the Lord. Jackie led us passionately through three main sessions, addressing the act of supplementing our faith, and the act of biblical, Christ-imitating forgiveness. While there were many […]
Hosea 1:1 Introduction to Our Series: “God’s Faithful Love”
The people chosen of God to be His own people, upon whom He had lavished His love, had turned their backs upon Him, and were spending the very gifts of love in lewdness; and the prophet adopted the most tragic and awful illustration, as he declared that the sin of Israel in her infidelity to […]
Resource Highlight – Think
Think over what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in everything. – 2 Timothy 2:7 When it comes to Christian living, the importance of the mind is a subject too often overlooked. In a book called Think, John Piper sets the stage for the importance of this specific theme. He explores the teachings […]
Matthew 9:35-38 Prayer for Laborers for the Harvest
THE Lord frequently taught His disciples that they must pray, and how; but seldom what to pray. This he left to their sense of need, and the leading of the Spirit. But here we have one thing He expressly enjoins them to remember: in view of the plenteous harvest, and the need of reapers, they must cry to the Lord […]
Ephesians 6:10-17 Spiritual Warfare
It is in the heavenly realms we struggle, we wrestle. Not against flesh and blood . .. but in the heavenly realms.So the cure can only be a spiritual cure. We cannot use ordinary water to wash away the guilt of sin. We cannot use bread and butter to feed the hungry souls of people. We cannot use grape juice […]
The Purity of the Church
In [Jeremiah’s] account, the faces of the Lord’s people were covered with shame, for it was a terrible thing that men should intrude into the Holy Place reserved for the priests alone. Everywhere about us we see like cause for sorrow. How many ungodly men are now educating with the view of entering into the […]
Summary of the Book of Acts
Acts is the book that reveals the power of the church. Therefore, when a church begins to dwindle, lose its power, and turn dull and drab in its witness, it needs desperately to get back into the spirit, expectation, knowledge and teaching of the book of Acts. That is what the book of Acts is […]