Recap from the 2014 TGC National Women’s Conference
“Almost certainly, no one has ever read that to you before,” Tim Keller quipped after reading Nehemiah 3 to the congregation, which is mostly a list of gates and people with hard-to-pronounce names. I chuckled to myself, thinking, I guess he’s never been to Covenant Life, as our pastors have read every word of Ezra […]
Acts 28 – The Example of Paul in Sharing the Gospel
What does this teach us about evangelism? Just note these things, will you? Let me make a statement about. What do we learn about his effective evangelism? Few very important points. You can jot down the passages and read them yourself. Where he preached is told here. Where did he preach? Anywhere. He was a […]
Acts 27 – Paul’s Belief in God
He who gives himself to God gets God for himself. So when Paul said, ‘Whose I am,’ he was thinking that he would never have belonged either to God or to himself unless, first of all, God, in His own Son, had given Himself to Paul. The divine ownership of us is only realised when […]
Acts 26:12-31 Fearless Persuasion in Sharing the Gospel
The next preparation for the Lord’s minister was that he should be encouraged. The Lord Jesus said to him, “Rise, and stand upon your feet.” As much as to say—“You are forgiven, you are chosen, you are beloved—therefore lie no longer prostrate, overwhelmed with fear. Give not way to despondency. Resign yourself into My hands and […]
Partner Update – North Africa
As most of you may know, we are partnering with friends in North Africa. For the preservation of their work, we will refer to them as John and Melissa. In the next week, we have a team traveling to help our friends with their work there. While we often have member updates on the blog, […]
Acts 25:23-26:11 Jesus Resurrection is the Fulfillment of All Scripture
The Jews accused the Christians of having apostatized from the tolerated faith; it was Paul’s business, therefore, to refute this accusation — to prove that in accepting Christ he did not renounce Moses, and so make good his claim to the protection of the government under existing laws. Thus, the form which the question that day […]
Member Update – The Pardo Family and Love the Nations
On Tuesday, June 3, we are flying out to Puerto Rico for seven weeks. This vision trip is to help us see what God has in store for our family, the unborn and the families in Puerto Rico that need Him! Prayer Requests Here is a list of ways to continue to pray for the […]
Acts 25:1-22 God’s Use of Unlikely Circumstances to Accomplish His Purposes
I wonder if it ever occurs to you…if you’re ever tempted to think that God’s providence is inefficient; that somehow or another what has occurred here to the Apostle Paul can’t surely be “Plan A.” It must surely be “Plan B” or “Plan C” that the most gifted apostle, the most erudite preacher, a man […]
Luke 10:38-42 When Busyness Keeps You From the Feet of Jesus
There will always be plenty of work to do. The work set before us will never totally be done. We will work all our days and when we die, the work will continue after we are gone. We are right to work and work hard doing what God has given us to do. But work […]
Personal Testimony – Denise and Xy Campbell
I was humbled with an unplanned pregnancy. The experience left me with a tremendous amount of difficulty where I became emotionally, physically and financially uncertain. This was a pain I thought I deserved for not being obedient to God. The pressure of this pregnancy and my thoughts fighting against each other brought me to the […]