Acts 21:1-16 Willing to Suffer for the Name of the Christ
Many desire to follow Christ, but are afraid to bear his cross. But, brethren, you must have a cross to bear. Though I am no prophet, like Agabus, yet I can tell you, by the Spirit of God, that “all who will live godly in Christ Jesus must suffer persecution.” You may not be called […]
Member Update: April Burgess – One Year Ago
Suffering is defined as the state of undergoing pain, distress or hardship. Sorrow is a feeling of deep distress caused by loss. Grief is affliction, anguish or heartbreak. No matter what words we choose to describe loss, we all experience these seasons walking through the valley. One year ago today, my sweet husband passed away […]
Acts 20:17-38 The Priority of The Gospel
Paul’s only concern was to finish the work. Verse 24, I just love this, “None of these things move me. I mean I don’t care in every town, if they keep telling me, even via the Holy Spirit, that I’m going to get it when I get there, that doesn’t bother me, I do not […]
The Things That Matter – Notes from the CLC Internship
If you were to ask, “What are you most grateful for?” Covenant Life Church would hover at the top of my list. A while ago, I told one of the pastors it was not his preaching (although very edifying) that drew me to the church. It was more subtle things that caught my attention. To […]
Accumulation vs. Distribution – Using Possessions Generously
Christ teaches us in Matthew 6, “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.” The lure of materialism is blinding. Chasing comfort through a greater income or fancier […]
Ephesians 2:11-12 The Gospel and Racial Reconciliation
Noted international evangelist Billy Graham stated: “Racial and ethnic hostility is the foremost social problem facing our world today.” This startling observation suggests that racism is more than just one of many problems in the world. Rather, it is a major issue and one of global proportions. Such a recognition calls for deliberate and responsible […]
Resource Highlight – Dug Down Deep
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth. – 2 Timothy 2:14 Dug Down Deep: Unearthing What I Believe and Why It Matters is a book by Joshua Harris, chronicling his own journey towards a deeper understanding and […]
Matthew 6:19-21 The Gospel and My Possessions
The way to die daily, practically, is to hold this world with a very loose hand. Birdlime so much abounds. When a man wins a little gain in this world it sticks to him, holds him, prevents his aspiring to heavenly things and holds him bound to earth. Our dear friends, and our beloved children […]
Member Update – Josh and Kaleigh Bowman
Through Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texasssssssss, New Mexico and finally to Arizona we arrived! After 2,100 miles driven and 33 hours in a car conquered, we were ready for Spring Training 2014. It was God’s grace to us, to get us here safely, car-trouble free and marriage intact! We were able to see family and […]
Philippians 4:11-13 – Contentment
Indeed, our afflictions may be heavy, and we cry out, Oh, we cannot bear them, we cannot bear such an affliction. Though you cannot tell how to bear it with your own strength, yet how can you tell what you will do with the strength of Jesus Christ? You say you cannot bear it? So […]