Refining Marriage Small Groups

Marriage is a covenant that thrives on the grace of Jesus, forgiveness, and sanctification. Recognizing the importance of nurturing our marriages as a church, we are excited to introduce Refining Marriage, a unique discipleship opportunity designed to strengthen marriages through the transformative power of God’s grace. Drawing insights from Brad and Marilyn Rhoads’ impactful book, […]

Posted on: June 19, 2024 - 10:07AM

Return to 1 Corinthians Series

Now that we have concluded our brief series on some of the parables of Jesus, we return to our study of 1 Corinthians, where Paul addresses the issue of consuming food offered to idols. In chapter 8, Paul discusses the proper use of personal liberty, emphasizing that while knowledge can lead to arrogance, love builds […]

Posted on: May 30, 2024 - 9:32AM

Parables Series Begins Sunday

This Mother’s Day, we invite you to join us for a new sermon series entitled “Hidden in Plain Sight: The Parables of Jesus.” We will begin with a sermon on Luke 15:11-32 and the famous parable called “The Prodigal Son.” As we learn about the love of God that overflows to repentant sinners, we will […]

Posted on: May 10, 2024 - 10:25AM

Psalm 44 – Remembering God When You Can’t Understand Suffering

The older we get, the more we are inclined to start talking about “the good old days.” The writer of this psalm must have been listening to such a discussion, because he writes, “We have heard with our ears, O God, our fathers have told us, the deeds You did in their days, in days […]

Posted on: January 15, 2021 - 1:00PM

Luke 2:25-35 – Songs of Advent – Simeon’s Song

Then Simeon calls him “a light of revelation for the Gentiles.” Here is a completely new thought. You won’t find this in the other songs of Christmas. Mary’s song is completely Jewish. She thinks in Jewish terms and expresses her thoughts in Jewish ways. The Gentiles are nowhere in view. The same is true of […]

Posted on: December 18, 2020 - 3:14PM

Luke 2:8-14 – The Songs of Advent – The Angels’ Song

Before we can make the message known, we must first know the message. What then, is the message of Christmas? Let me give you the message of Christmas quite literally from the mouth of an angel, “today in the city of David there has been born for you a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord” […]

Posted on: December 11, 2020 - 12:00PM

Luke 1:67-79 – Songs of Advent – Zechariah’s Song

If we remember that four hundred dreary years, for the most part of which Israel had been groaning under a foreign yoke, had passed since the last of the prophets, and that during all that time devout eyes had looked wearily for the promised Messiah, we shall be able to form some faint conception of […]

Posted on: December 4, 2020 - 12:00PM

Luke 1:39-56 – Songs of Advent -Mary’s Song

Mary’s hymn is one of three major hymnic pieces in the infancy material (the others are known as the Benedictus, Lk 1:67-79, and Nunc Dimittis, Lk 2:28-32). The Latin names come from the phrases that begin the hymns. Mary’s hymn expresses praise to God for his treatment of her, but then extends her praise to […]

Posted on: November 28, 2020 - 10:46AM

Zephaniah 3:9-20 – The Overwhelming and Awe-Inducing Salvation of God

Can you imagine what it would be like if you could hear God singing? Remember that it was merely a spoken word that brought the universe into existence. What would happen if God lifted up his voice and not only spoke but sang! Perhaps a new heaven and a new earth would be created. God […]

Posted on: November 20, 2020 - 12:00PM

Zephaniah 3:1-8 – Judgment for the People of God

There is a church against whom this indictment might be laid today—“She obeyed not the voice”— she did not hear the Gospel. “She received not correction”—when reformers came she sought their blood. “She trusted not in the Lord; she drew not near to her God,” but she went after others and set up other intercessors […]

Posted on: November 13, 2020 - 12:00PM