Mark 4:21-34 – The Unstoppable Growth of the Kingdom of God
The mustard-seed is the smallest of all those seeds which grow to any considerable size: and such was the Church of Christ at its first establishment in the world. It consisted at first of our Lord and his twelve Disciples; and even after our Lord’s ascension, their number was only one hundred and twenty. Soon […]
Mark 4:1-20 – Are You Receptive to the Word of God?
Beloved, it is necessary to take an honest inventory of the state of your soul, and to be sure to verify that the Gospel seed has taken root in good soil. Presumably, many of you here today have, at some point in your life, welcomed the Word of Christ into your heart. There was […]
Mark 3:20-35 – The Gracious Invitation of Jesus to Be Family
We have to think of Christ here as Himself putting away the lower claims, in order more fully to yield Himself to the higher. It was because it would have been impossible for Him to do the will of His Father if He had yielded to the purposes of His brethren and His mother, that […]
Mark 3:7-19 – The Model of Jesus for Discipleship
When will the church learn this lesson? Preaching to the masses, although necessary, will never suffice in the work of preparing leaders for evangelism. Nor can occasional prayer meetings and training classes for Christian workers do this job. Building men is not that easy. It requires constant personal attention, much like a father gives to […]
2 Samuel 7:12-16 – Jesus Born to Be King
Jesus Christ was born to be King. His salvation and His Kingdom apply to present-world problems. But His kingship also has future implications. The sovereignty of Jesus Christ extends in an unbroken line throughout the ages. Hidden from view now, He will come again, according to the Scriptures, in God’s time, and He will reign […]
1 Timothy 1:15 – Jesus Was Born To Die
[Jesus] knew He was entering the world to be the final and ultimate sacrifice for sin. His body had been divinely prepared by God specifically for that purpose. Jesus was going to die for the sins of the world, and He knew it. Moreover, He was doing it willingly. That was the whole point of […]
Luke 1:1-20 – The Glory of Christ in the Incarnation
God. Becoming man. The infinite, eternal, self-existent, self-sufficient, almighty God, without shedding His divine nature, taking upon Himself—in addition to His divine nature—a human nature—truly becoming one of us. In the incarnation of the Son of God, it can properly be said that the immutable, unchangeable God became what He wasn’t, while never ceasing to […]
Mark 2:13-3:6 – Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath
Jesus, in Mark 2, indeed says, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.” In other words, Jesus is saying the reason that God invented the Sabbath Day in the first place was for a blessing to us. He’s infinite; He doesn’t need to rest. We’re finite; we do need to rest. […]
Mark 2:18-22 – Jesus Changes Everything
Jesus taught two important lessons about His ministry: (1) He came to save sinners, not to call the religious; and (2) He came to bring gladness and not sadness. The third lesson is this: He came to introduce the new, not to patch up the old. The religious leaders were impressed with our Lord’s […]
Mark 2:13-17 – The Mercy of Jesus Towards Sinners
The more closely we look, the more clear this fact becomes, for, brethren, the work of salvation was certainly not performed for any of us who are saved on account of any goodness in us. If there is any goodness in us, it was put there by the grace of God and it certainly was […]