Psalm 63:1-8 – Delighting in God
As soon as the soul has obtained an interest in Christ, and reconciliation with God through him, it is privileged to claim God as its own peculiar portion: it is entitled to say of Christ, “My Beloved is mine, and I am his:” “He has loved me, and given himself for me.” And to the Father himself also, as now reconciled to him, he can say, “O God, thou art my God.” It is no wonder then, that from henceforth God becomes the one object of his desire.
The soul now finds no satisfaction in earthly things— The whole world appears to it as “a land where no water is.” The whole creation seems to be but “a broken cistern,” which, whilst it promises refreshment to the weary and heavy-laden, is never able to impart it.
If it be objected, that, though David, under his peculiar trials, found the world so barren of all good, we may find it a source of comfort to us; we answer, That there is nothing in this world that is suited to satisfy the desires of an immortal soul; and that, the more we have of this world, the more fully shall we be convinced, that it is altogether an empty bubble, a cheat, a lie; and that “vanity and vexation of spirit” is written by the finger of God himself upon all that it contains. The carnal mind cannot credit this: but the renewed soul needs no argument to convince it of this truth.
Its desire therefore is after God alone— “Early will I seek thee,” is the language of every one that is born of God. In the secret chamber his first waking thoughts will be, “Where is God my Maker?” where is Jesus my Redeemer? where is the blessed Spirit my Sanctifier and my Comforter? In the public ordinances also especially will his soul desire communion with its God. It has beheld somewhat of God’s power and glory in the manifestations of his love, and in the communications of his grace; and it bears those seasons in remembrance, and longs to have them renewed from time to time. The bare ordinances will not satisfy the believer, if God be not in them: it is not to perform a duty that he comes up to the sanctuary, but to meet his God, and enjoy sweet converse with him: and if he meet not God there, he is like a man who, with much ardent expectation, has gone to a distant city to meet his friend, and has been disappointed of his hope.
O how wonderful does [the loving-kindness of God] appear to him, which gave no less a person than God’s co-equal co-eternal Son to die for him! which gave him too the knowledge of that Saviour, together with all spiritual and eternal blessings in him, whilst thousands and millions of the human race are dying in ignorance and perishing in their sins! This loving-kindness so free, so rich, so full, appears to him “better than even life itself;” and all that he can do to testify his gratitude seems nothing, yea “less than nothing,” in comparison of it.
Charles Simeon
Read Psalm 63:1-8. Does the cry of this psalm represent the cry of your heart? What are the things that interfere with you having this proper perspective toward God?
The Goodness of Jesus by CityAlight