CLC Talks – Introduction
In this introduction to CLC Talks, church member Jonathan Cordeau sits down with our lead pastor, Justin Perry, to discuss the vision and purpose behind this new web series. Listen Now
Psalm 17 – God Our Protector
David was a man under pressure. Accusations had been made against him concerning his conduct; his ego; his vain ambition. Men said that his behavior was criminal and that he deserved to die. The king of Israel himself believed this and was encouraging his men to hunt this rebel down and kill him. David […]
Psalm 16 – The Blessedness of Your Confession in Christ
No man that makes the worse choice of earth instead of God, ever, in the retrospect, said: ‘I have a goodly heritage.’ One of the later Roman Emperors, who was among the best of them, said, when he was dying: ‘I have been everything, and it profits me nothing.’ No man who takes the world […]
Psalm 15 – The One Worthy to Stand in the Presence of God
What does it mean to sojourn in God’s tent? To dwell on his hill? Those are metaphors for being in the presence of God. Here is the question. Who has the right to live in the presence of God? That is the question. And when you hear that question it gets right to the heart […]
Psalm 14 -The Folly of Denying God By Our Sin
The Psalmist has evidently been reflecting on the extreme wickedness of the human heart, in that men, for the purpose of prosecuting their evil ways without fear, would banish God himself from the universe [Note: ver. 1.], and, by impious derision, drive out all regard for piety from the world View the state of […]
Psalm 13 – The God Who Hears Even When He Seems Distant
It seemed as if God had forgotten David, had hidden Himself from him, and as if it would last forever. It always seems as if a time of intense trial lasts forever, doesn’t it? The hard thing about waiting is that you have to wait! Don’t you hate to wait? Waiting is especially hard if […]
Psalm 12 – The Trustworthy Word of the Lord Brings Strength Amidst Worry
“You preachers are always talking about God hearing us when we pray, and God coming and helping us, and protecting us and judging the wicked. How in the world can you know that this is true? Anyone can say things like that.” That is a common question, and the answer is in our psalm. I […]
Psalm 11 – The Lord Our Refuge
Have you ever felt like running away? “In the Lord I put my trust; how can you say to my soul, ‘Flee as a bird to your mountain’?” (v. 1). All of us have days when we feel like quitting. We throw up our hands and say, “That’s it. I’ve had it, and I’m leaving.” […]
Psalm 10 – The Lord Hears Even We Think He Isn’t Listening
If God has had love enough to prepare your heart to pray, He has grace enough to give you the blessing. The more difficult thing of the two is not to give the blessing, but to prepare your heart to cry for it. If He has done the one He will certainly do the other. […]
Psalm 9 – Confidence in the Character of God
Now, it says for your comfort – you who seek the Lord – who really pour out your very soul before him – who seek him on your bed – who seek him in the different hours of the day – who seek him with an honest heart – who really hunger and thirst after […]