Psalm 8 – The Glory of God in the Gospel According to the Psalms
Now, what is the testimony of Psalm viii.? Look at the psalm. What does it mean? David praises the goodness of God, and the condescension of God to man. The name of God is known all over the earth; the glory of God is high above the heavens. He who has made the heavens, and the […]
Psalm 7 – God’s Holy Anger Is Our Only Hope Against Injustice
Our theology-averse age has lost sight of divine vengeance. This doctrine doesn’t fit well in a soft, therapeutic, “best life now” kind of Christianity. There’s a lot of “blessing” in such a system, but little justice. Christ becomes a brand-consultant to the upwardly mobile. This doctrine is also largely missing in garden-variety “new way to […]
Psalm 6 – The Lord Over Our Lasting Troubles
To fly and escape the anger of God, David sees no means in heaven or in earth, and therefore retires himself to God, even to him that wounded him that he might heal him. He flies not with Adam to the bush, nor with Saul to the witch, nor with Jonah to Tarshish; but he […]
Psalm 5 – The Holiness and Goodness of Our Prayer-Hearing God
What is it that keeps a man safe when he thus has around him the walls of some citadel? Is it himself, is it the act by which he took refuge, or is it the battlements behind which he crouches? So in faith it is the running of the man, when he knows himself to […]
The Scoop on the CLC Bookstall
On Sunday, one of our members reminded me of an inspiring story I found worth sharing… In the years surrounding the Reformation, the Gutenberg printing press proved largely instrumental in contributing to the spread of literacy throughout Europe. Of course, while it’s great to remember how many in the non-academic world learned to read […]
Psalm 4 – Our Only Source of True Happiness
The world desires something which it may see, and taste, and handle. The joys of faith it does not understand. We, by divine grace, do not walk by sight; but the poor sons of earth must have visible, present, terrestrial joys. We have an unseen portion, an invisible inheritance; we have higher faculties, and nobler […]
Psalm 3 – The God Who Saves
At verse 3, there is a vigorous realization of the spiritual above the material. David seems now to be his true self. He has left the little and beclouded view and risen to levels whence he can survey the larger providence and purpose of heaven. Strange as it may appear, it is when material forces […]
Psalm 2 – The Blessed Refuge of Trusting in Christ
Gracious and loving as the Saviour is, he is susceptible of anger on just occasions, and feels a holy indignation against those who slight his love. And “if once his wrath be kindled, yea, but a little,” it will utterly destroy us [Note: Revelation 6:15-17.]. It will be but little consolation for us to see […]
Psalm 1 – The Blessing of Delighting in God’s Word
God’s Word is the daily bread of the “blessed” man—is it so with you? The unregenerate delight in pleasing self—but the joy of the Christian lies in pleasing God. It is not simply that he is interested in “the Law of the Lord,” but he delights therein. There are thousands of people, like those in […]
Praying for our Children
I still remember the first time I received that one “favorite” comment-from-a-stranger about parenting. At the time, my husband was deployed and we had only one child (my most difficult one to parent to date). Sitting in the car before entering a store, my oldest and I shared a sanctifying moment. Soon after this, as we walked through […]